One day of Fun!

SwimTots ProClinic Levels

Swim Camps or lessons Enroll Now

Ages: 3 - 5

Bubbles of FUN

Little ones will enjoy singing, splashing, and laughing in the water with their coach and new friends. For many new swimmers, TIME in the water is what they need to learn to relax and gain confidence! Our goal in this clinic is to help our newest swimmers go under the water on their own!

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Totes Floats

Front and back floats, and glides will be the main focus of this clinic. Students will practice with their coach and with teaching aids, learning to find their balance on top of the water. The critical safety skill of bobbing in water over their head will also be introduced in this clinic.

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Safety STARS

Advanced Tots are eager for independence in the water, but need to focus on safety! Safety STARs will learn and work on the crucial safety skills of *S*ubmerging in water over their head (deep water bobs), *T*reading water, *A*sking permission to swim, *R*olling over from their front to a back float, and *S*wimming back to the wall after jumping in. As part of this Clinic, Safety STARS will have the option to practice jumping in, fully clothed, taking off their shoes, and swimming back to the wall.

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Core Kicking

Streamline is the foundation of excellent swimming technique. In this clinic swimmers will work on using the streamlined body position. Once this position is mastered they will focus on mastering the free and back kick skills. Swimmers will practice kicking with straight legs, will work on out-of-water leg exercises, will practice with fins, and practice using a kickboard. The critical safety skills of rolling over, and bobbing in water over their head will also be practiced in a fun way in this clinic.

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Terrific Tarzan

Swimmers will practice the freestyle progression of “kick-in-catch” and “tarzan”. Out of water and in-water drills will help swimmers learn to rotate their bodies on the long-axis, while developing a strong “press-pull-push” in their freestyle stroke. We will be excited to teach them the out of water freestyle arm recovery. The critical safety skills of treading and bobbing in water over their head will also be practiced in this clinic in a fun way.

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Fantastic Free ‘n Back

Swimmers will working on developing a more-excellent freestyle and backstroke. Drills and instruction will focus on body position, strong steady kicks, long-axis rotation, and an efficient side-breath. Backstroke drills will focus on head position, keeping the feet “up” while kicking, and developing a stronger “arm-wrestle” underwater pull. Learning to count strokes from the flags while doing backstroke will prepare swimmers for their transition to Stealth.

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Breaststroke Bound & Ready to FLY

Swimmers will learn and practice the drills that get them ready for breaststroke and butterfly! Learning a strong kick in both strokes starts with a strong see-saw from the hips. Swimmers will work on sculling, the “finish drill” of butterfly, breaststroke kick, and dolphin kick. A legal breaststroke pull will also be part of this clinic. The critical safety skills of treading and bobbing in water over their head will also be practiced in a fun way in this clinic.

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